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FAQ: IQ Help Security Answers to your Questions

​What is an Electronic Security System?

Enter yIt is a combination of electronic equipment, procedures and measures in order to anticipate all vulnerabilities and try to mitigate them by providing security to people, property and valuables according to previously established standards.

In other words: it is a combination of electronic security equipment (such as CCTV Security Cameras, Video Management Systems, Lockers, Alarm Systems, Detectors, Sirens and other) with surveillance and monitoring activities to protect your people (family, employees, visitors, customers etc.) and assets (commercial buildings, parking lots, home, shops, warehouse, school, factory, facility etc.).

Sometimes it may also require establishing procedures and training. our content...

But I never had any problems. Why should I have a Security System?

Enter your contThe security systems are widely used by big corporations and commercial buildings - usually associated with police, government and banks.  However, as the criminality numbers have been escalating, and the prices and options of security equipment have become cheaper and more accessible, many schools, shops and private homes are adopting at a fast pace.

Unfortunately, when criminals are looking for the next victims, usually they look for vulnerabilities and they tend to choose places that haven’t got any (or a weak) security system. They tend to choose the easy targets (and some studies says that unsecured places are up to three times more likely to be burglarized than the safe ones). ent...

What do I need to have a good Security System?

There isn’t such a thing as “one size fits all” in the security industry. To establish the best security system it is crucial to take a deep dive into the customer's specific characteristics, needs and budget. With the combination of this information, it is possible to design and propose the best options to increase security and reduce or eliminate the vulnerabilities. 

A visit to the place where the system is going to be installed is also mandatory, so it is possible to determine if the system can be wired or will require a wireless version (or even a combination of both). 

On the top of that, you can also add some other advantages like:

  • Having more control over your place including remote control and camera access, using a mobile app, for example, to open/close doors, check alarm set and keep an eye on your place while you are away;

  • Capture all mistakes that some employees make during busy hours and use it for training, improve customer service or even protect yourself from any undue charges (in cases of not following health and safety procedures);

  • Using smart analytics available for some kinds of cameras to help you acquire business knowledge such as hot areas and pathways (where your customers or employees go more often), people counting (inside and outside the shop), customer demographics (male/female, young/old) and other;

  • Integrating your alarm system to your KNX system for Home Automation;

  • Detecting water or gas leaks and smoke;

  • And so much more! 

What kind of equipment a security system involves?

A security system isn’t made only with equipment, but includes procedures and also education, but to list the most used electronic security equipment, these are the main ones:

  • Alarm system is a combination of electronic components to detect unauthorized access to a building or area, usually to protect the place and its valuables. It can also include the management of certain activities and send signals according to the designed system. As an example, it is possible to have an alarm system to detect the excess of water in a farm or the leak of carbon monoxide gas in a factory, to prevent damages. The alarm system is usually connected to locks, detectors, sirens, and also security cameras, and is controlled by the control panel.

  • Control Panel is the brain of your security system since it controls every aspect of your security and every component that is installed. It arms and disarms the alarm system, locks and unlocks doors, sends and receives components’ signals, sends and receives signals or messages to a central or mobile phone, to list a few.

  • Motion Detectors are used to detect unwanted movements or door and windows openings in determined areas. They are important components of the alarm and access control systems. In addition, glass detectors can detect any breaks on glass doors and windows.

  • Fire and Leak Detectors are used to detect smoke, liquid/water or high concentration of determined components (like GLP, for example) in order to receive a signal and be able to act fast to deter the problem. 

  • Sirens are used to emit a loud noise when the alarm system goes off to call attention and deter intruders or people entering areas they have no permission to access, because the sirens are not easily ignored, the situation will alert everyone about the danger or fire.

  • Alarm monitoring is a service that watches the signals from your security alarm and then reacts to those signals in a way that you specify: by phoning or texting you, and/or by dispatching a security guard to the site, for example. They are usually available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • Access control is a way of restricting access to parts of a place to authorised people only. It means that only the authorised staff or managers can access the warehouse, while cleaners and customers are restricted to the shop area, for example. A simple system may only consist of a single door with an electric lock that needs the user to enter a code on a keypad, fingerprint or a key fob to gain entry (like a garage with a remote control, for example). A complex system can consist of hundreds of doors, with certain users only allowed to access certain doors, and maybe only at certain times or on certain days of the year.

  • Locks are electronic (or mechanical ) fastening devices that are released by key, electronic cards, remote controls, mobile app, and control panel code providing a unique and safe combination for unlocking and enabling access. While mechanical locks allow only physical contact for locking/unlocking, electronic locks provide way more options to control the access, as convenient remote controls and mobile apps.

  • Surveillance Cameras are also known as closed-circuit television (or simply CCTV). They are usually used for video surveillance, registering images and monitoring places, but can also include people counting and tracking, facial and vehicle number plate recognition, business analytics and more. There are so many kinds of Security Cameras, from standard and simple to very sophisticated ones, including high definition, fixed or varifocal lenses, with zoom optical, 180° and 360° views, automatic tracking movement and objects, with night capture lenses and lights, covert cameras, for the indoor/outdoor environment, anti-vandalism and other.

  • Video Management System is an important component of the security system, as it usually collects the videos from the CCTV security cameras, records them for a certain period of time and allows access to the recorded images. They can also have software to improve the features and possibilities (as a license plate or face recognition or business analytics, for example). 

What is Alarm System?

Alarm system is a combination of electronic components to detect unauthorised access to a building or area, usually to protect the place and its valuables. 

It can also include the management of certain activities and send signals according to the designed system. As an example, it is possible to have an alarm system to detect the excess of water in a farm or the leak of carbon monoxide gas in a factory, to prevent damages. 

The alarm system is usually connected to locks, detectors, sirens, and also cameras, and is controlled by the control panel. 

What is Alarm Monitoring?

Alarm monitoring is a service that watches the signals from your security alarm and then reacts to those signals in a way that you specify: by phoning or texting you, and/or by dispatching a security guard to the site, for example. They are usually available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Our Alarm monitoring services offer 24x7 assurance that your assets and people are safe and secure.

We monitor alarms with different service levels available to suit your needs as well as offer CCTV live time or archive monitoring solutions. What is better: no contract required. 

What is Access Control System?

Access control is a way of restricting access to parts of a place to authorised people only. It means that only the authorised staff or managers can access the warehouse, while cleaners and customers are restricted to the shop area, for example. A simple system may only consist of a single door with an electric lock that needs the user to enter a code on a keypad, fingerprint or a key fob to gain entry (like a garage with a remote control, for example). A complex system can consist of hundreds of doors, with certain users only allowed to access certain doors, and maybe only at certain times or on certain days of the year.

Locks are electronic (or mechanical) fastening devices that are released by key, electronic cards, remote controls, mobile app, control panel code providing a unique and safe combination for unlocking and enabling access. While the mechanical locks allow only physical contact for locking/unlocking, the electronic locks provide way more options to control the access, as the convenient remote controls and mobile apps.

What is a Surveillance System?

Surveillance Cameras are also known as closed-circuit television (or simply CCTV). They are usually used for video surveillance, registering images and monitoring places, but can also include people counting and tracking, facial and vehicle number plate recognition, business analytics and more. There are so many kinds of cameras, from standard and simple to very sophisticated ones, including high definition, fixed or varifocal lenses, with zoom optical, 180° and 360° views, automatic tracking movement and objects, with night capture lenses and lights, covert cameras, for the indoor/outdoor environment, anti-vandalism and other.

Our experts listed 12 reasons why you should install a CCTV Security Camera now

Video Management System is an important component of the security system, as it usually collects the videos from the cameras, records it for a certain period of time and allows access to the recorded images. They can also have software to improve the features and possibilities (as a license plate or face recognition or business analytics, for example). 

What is CCTV?

CCTV or closed-circuit television are security cameras designed to capture images for surveillance purposes. They are usually used for video surveillance, registering images and monitoring places, but also can include people counting and tracking, facial and vehicles number plate recognition, business analytics and more. There are so many kinds of cameras, from standard and simple to very sophisticated ones, including high definition, fixed or varifocal lenses, with zoom optical, 180° and 360° views, automatic tracking movement and objects, with night capture lenses and lights, covert cameras, for the indoor/outdoor environment, anti-vandalism and other. 

Our experts listed 12 reasons why you should install a CCTV Security Camera now

Video Management System is an important component of the security system, as it usually collects the videos from the cameras, records it for a certain period of time and allows access to the recorded images. They can also have software to improve the features and possibilities (as a license plate or face recognition or business analytics, for example). 

How can I prevent burglary?

Nowadays, being safe is one of the biggest worries, but being aware of your vulnerabilities and acting soon is your best weapon to prevent such incidents. Our experts listed some good tips to help you increase your awareness and, at the same time, your security at home or in your business. Check their tips here.

What is Loss Prevention? And how do I prevent losses?

Loss Prevention is the concept of establishing policies, procedures and business practices to prevent the loss of inventory or monies in a retail environment. Developing a program around this concept will help you to reduce the opportunities that these losses can occur and more specifically, work to prevent the loss rather than solely be reactive to them after they occur.

Our security consultants put together some tips to help you to understand more about Loss Prevention, its importance, how it happens and how to identify the symptoms. Check their tips here

Is really necessary to have ongoing maintenance to my Security System?

Ongoing Maintenance is critical to hassle free operations, not to mention the peace of mind to know that when you really need that security footage or an alarm to activate it's ready and working. Security systems need regular checks and maintenance to replace batteries, complete software updates as well as check its general health.  

Our Fixed Cost Maintenance system is designed to offer a comprehensive maintenance package for one fixed cost per month because we know that it makes a huge difference in the budget management (OPEX).

What can a Security Consultant do for me?

The right equation of equipment, procedures, measures and education about security and prevention is of the essence when building your security system, and only an experienced and qualified security consultant can provide the best combination to avoid any mistakes (and also the excess of spendings).

The security consultant is a very good listener and observer. They talk to you, listen to your needs and concerns, and check your place looking for potential vulnerabilities and also check the installation necessities and requirements. Possessing all this information, usually, they build a security system which includes all points above, but also discuss and validate it carefully with the security engineer.

When an IQ Security proposal is presented to our customers, all the discussed and observed aspects are included, so the solution to each customer is the best and unique and involves a combination of great skills, experience, dedication and knowledge.

What is more, the security consultant work, actually, never ends. After the design process finishes, they follow up the installation, test and full functionality of your security system. In fact, your security consultant is going to be available for you at any time, so you can discuss any changes or new concerns that you might have from time to time.

Have a try, get a FREE Security Consultancy with our Experts now! Call 09 441 7100 or send an email and we will contact you!

How do I know if a technician is qualified for the security service?

First of all, get some references from customers about the quality of service. Usually, the experienced teams and companies that are on the market for a long time have a reputation that they have built over the years and want to keep it.

It is very important that they have an identification with their names and pictures, and you are always welcome to contact the company before allowing any technician access your place.

All technicians must be vetted by the ministry of justice and carry a certificate of approval (COA). This means that they have been vetted by the NZ Police and judged to be responsible and trustworthy, so you can have trust in their integrity.

It is very important to be Site Safe certified and hold current Building Construction Passports. These are required by many construction companies before any worker can enter their building sites. This means that they received training on how to identify the hazards and risks present in their work and their workplace, and how to minimise or eliminate them to get the job done safely.




What is IQP?

IQP stands for "Independent Qualified Person" and is a building specialist identified by the council as qualified to: 

  • inspect and report on specified building systems, e.g. automatic doors
  • follow the requirements set out in your building's compliance schedule
  • supply any other supporting documentation confirming compliance, such as certificates of compliance 
  • maintain the systems to perform and operate effectively 

IQ Security Engineer's Certification number 110660 for all building 12A Building WOF requirements.

Source: Auckland Council website

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How to Log a Support request?

You call us on: 0508 IQ Security | 0508 477328 | +64 9 441 7100

  • Select Option 1 for Support
  • *Hours of contact: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM - Monday to Friday

When you contact us After Hours (between 5:01 PM and 8:29 AM) choose: Press 1: Customer Support

  • Your Contact will be directed to the On Call Tech

You can also refer to our Support page on the website where it is possible to log a job. Visit >>

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This section is designed with your security needs in mind. In this dedicated area, we've assembled a wealth of valuable resources to assist you in tackling your most pressing security-related inquiries.



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IQ Security Blog

Case Study: Apartment Security

May 10, 2021
The way Kiwis are living is changing fast, and so is the security around it. With apartment buildings springing up everywhere, electronic security systems are mandatory to keep residents safe and to make building management easier....
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